Sunday, December 1, 2019

The modern man's anthem

Oh look, she speaks
She has a voice
What a wondrous amazing thing

She moves out freely
She's started protesting
She's started taking all our jobs

We need to stop her
Need to control her
We have to silence this new voice

But she's not stopping
She keeps on working
The bitch wants more and more and more

At home let's beat her
And subjugate her
But that just does not keep her down

So on the road take her
Abuse her and rape her
Hit her where it hurts the most

Big man or small man
Hold my hand brothers
We need to nip this in the bud

We've got to stop her
We have to crush her
If need be kill her and burn her down.
Hunt her and burn her down.

Payal Mukherjee, 30th November 2019